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Finca Atzumpa Bourbon Honey

Finca Atzumpa Bourbon Honey

Finca Atzumpa is located in Concepción de Ataco in the department of Ahuachapán, in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain range and coffee-growing region of the same name.

Country: El Salvador - Apaneca-Ilamatepec region
Producer: Finca Atzumpa Farm - Andres Acosta
Varieties: Bourbon
Process: Honey
Notes: Plum, Apple, Honey, Vanilla
Profile: Fruity, Gourmet

For an espresso :

Dose : 18g

Quantity in cup : 45g

Extraction time: 28s - 32s

Country: El Salvador - Apaneca-Ilamatepec region
Producer: Finca Atzumpa Farm - Andres Acosta
Varieties: Bourbon
Process: Honey
Notes: Plum, Apple, Honey, Vanilla
Profile: Fruity, Gourmet

Find out more about Finca Atzumpa Bourbon Honey coffee

Finca Atzumpa is located in Concepción de Ataco in the department of Ahuachapán, in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain range and coffee-growing region of the same name. Farmers in Ahuachapán were the first to cultivate coffee in El Salvador, thanks to seeds brought from Guatemala in the late 1700s; production then expanded during the 19th century.
Today, Atzumpa is owned by the sixth generation of the Ariz-Herrera family, making it one of the first farms in the Concepción de Ataco region to grow specialty coffee. The family has been bringing sustainability, social responsibility and employment to the communities around the farm for over 100 years. The Ariz-Herrera family is one of five local families who founded FUNDATACO in 1991, a foundation helping local children join soccer schools and pursue sporting opportunities through scholarships.

Atzumpa's coffee is partially processed at Germania, the farm's small washing station equipped with depulpers and drying facilities. This batch of Bourbon Honey was depulped without water to retain all the mucilage before being dried on raised beds for 14 days to achieve the optimum moisture content. Once dried, the coffee is stored at the El Carmens warehouse, where Atzumpa coffee is sorted and prepared for export.
Finca Atzumpa has won numerous awards for the quality of its coffees, including a top spot in El Salvador's Cup of Excellence in 2018 and 2019. Their passion for the excellence of their coffees drives them to innovate and embrace social and environmental sustainability.

This coffee produces an excellent espresso with notes of plum, apple, honey and vanilla.

Hugo's recipe!

For an espresso :

Dose : 18g

Quantity in cup : 45g

Extraction time: 28s - 32s

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